Managing school ICT must be a very collaborative effort. Many individuals are involved with steering management decisions and these individuals are charged with the greatest vision, yet the least authority. Other individuals are charged with making decisions related to legal issues and financial decision-making, and other still are involved with building and maintain the ICT infrastructure and otherwise implement the decisions. Those charged with governing and implementing decisions have the least room for variation, but the greatest authority and accountability.
Effective technology management in schools occurs at several layers, with different stakeholder being involved at each, and there are existing checks and balances between all. Strategic planning is board and sets the vision. Build systems that include multiple frames of reference, attends to quality and relevance, and is flexible and adaptive to reflect the needs of educational users.

Well-managed ICT begins with a steering committee, which comprises teachers, school administrators, and technicians, along with other interested stakeholders. (It is not unusual to find parents, students, business leaders, school board members, and others sitting on these committees.) The purpose of this committee is to establish the strategic goals related to ICT for the school. In many cases, this group establishes directions and priorities and can be the arbiter of what constitutes appropriate configuration of school ICT.