The document describes several useful tools and techniques:
- ping: Used in both Windows and Linux to verify basic network connectivity.
- nslookup: Used in both to check DNS records and identify network names.
- ifconfig/ip: Used in Linux to view and configure network interfaces.
- route: Used in both Linux to view and manage routing tables.
- wget: A Linux command-line tool to retrieve web pages, verifying internet connectivity.
- nmap: A powerful network scanning tool used in both environments to discover hosts and services on a network, as well as OS fingerprinting.
- netcat (nc): Used to perform banner grabbing for TCP connections to identify open ports and service information.
- hping3: Command-line packet generator for spoofing and testing connections.
- tcpdump: Packet capture and analysis utility.
- tshark: Command-line version of Wireshark for capturing and analyzing network traffic.
These tools are essential for network diagnosis, analysis, and security testing.