Gary’s Blog

  • Zero Sum Games and Non Zero Sum Games
    Zero-sum games occur when a solution to a problem benefits one group while harming another, resulting in winners and losers. Many scholars in the field of wicked problem solving advise planners to aim for non-zero-sum solutions, where all individuals or populations perceive the solutions as advantageous. In non-zero-sum solutions, the benefits may not be equal Read More
  • Elevator Pitch: Necessity and Invention
    David Nye argues that the adage “necessity is the mother of invention” is often the opposite of what is observed. He suggests that humans don’t just invent technologies to meet existing needs; instead, they often redefine what is necessary through their inventions. In essence, technology creates new needs and desires, rather than simply fulfilling pre-existing Read More
  • Five Layers of Educational Technology
    Educational technology in schools is often perceived as a single entity, a collection of devices, software, and online platforms. However, beneath this surface simplicity lies a complex, multi-layered system. Effective integration of technology into teaching and learning requires IT leaders to recognize the characteristics of each. Decision-makers, including educators, IT professionals, and school leaders make Read More
  • Descriptive Statistics
    Here is a post for data analytics students. Data analysis can feel like navigating a vast ocean of numbers, but descriptive statistics are the compass and map that help us understand our data. These are fundamental tools that allow us to summarize and present data in a meaningful way without drawing any conclusions about a Read More
  • Network Hardening
    A post for network security students here for all to see. In today’s interconnected world, networks are the lifelines of businesses and organizations. However, they also serve as prime targets for cyberattacks. Network hardening is a critical process that involves implementing a variety of security measures to reduce vulnerabilities and enhance overall resilience. It’s about Read More
  • Ransomware: Understanding the Threat and How to Defend Against It
    Another post for network security students. Ransomware is a type of malicious software that holds a computer system hostage by encrypting its files. After encryption, the ransomware typically demands payment, often in cryptocurrency, in exchange for the decryption key. This form of cyberattack can cripple individuals, businesses, and even critical infrastructure, making it a significant Read More