Management refers to those organizational practices that affect how decisions are made and how resources are used. The arrival of computers in schools did add another to the management tasks necessary in schools as it became necessary to draft and approve policies related to technology (acceptable use policies for example), to plan for both large scale technology purchases and on-going maintenance work in budgets, and to schedule installations of devices and training for teachers. These management tasks are growing more complicated along with the increasing complexity of the information and computer technology (ICT) systems installed in school and the more sophisticated tools for teaching and learning accessed via the ICT.
In general, we can conclude that technology is being well managed when it allows users to be more productive than they would be otherwise. For most purposes, we can assume systems in which users’ expectations are being met are sufficiently well-managed. Because management includes financial planning, however, well-managed technology balances productivity and expectations with cost, so it does not exceed the capacity of the organizations to fund efforts. Good management requires effective communication among managers and between managers and educators and technicians. This communication includes both collegial interaction and formal and informal systems of feedback.