#edtech for #edleaders: Why We Adopt #edtech

In reviewing some data I gathered and prepared for presentation in the last year, I found four factors that were positively associated with the decision to adopt and the decisions to continue to use educational technology once it had been adopted:

  • Improvement: Which was summarized as “the degree to which the planning method solved the problem.”
  • Ease of use: Which was summarized as “the degree to which the planning method could be used efficiently without the need for training.”
  • Perceived value: Which was defined as “the degree to which the planning method addresses the problem as it is understood by members of the organization.”
  • Demonstrability: Which was defined as “the degree to which others found the planning method to be effective.”

It is noteworthy that these factors are subjective; we cannot really measure (for example) ease of use as it is affected by many factor that are themselves varying. That does not mean, however, that they cannot influence our educational technology plans and decisions.