Dimensions of #edtech

Sufficient Devices

Are there sufficient computing devices available in the school?

Sufficiency exists when there exists:

  • Enough devices so teachers’ decisions are not limited;
  • Enough capacity that students can create products teachers deem appropriate;
  • Methods to easily share limited resources.

Robust, Reliable, and Secure Network

Is the school’s information technology network reliable, robust, and secure?

Such networks:

  • Allows all devices to connect without delay (reliable);
  • Has no latency—it is not slow (robust);
  • Protects data and systems from threats (secure).

Web Services

Do web services improve the efficiency and effectiveness of instruction and school operation?

The nature of the web services depends on the nature of the school, but in general, all schools:

  • Provide email and similar messaging services;
  • Maintain an active and up-to-date web and social media presence;
  • Ensure classroom information, resources, and interaction is available on the web;
  • Have a library with appropriate digital materials;
  • Ensure and improve ADA-compliance and mobile compatibility of web services;
  • Use the web to facilitate purchasing, permissions, and similar administrative tasks.

Teaching and Learning

Does information technology positively affect teaching and learning in the school?

Many activities can be labeled “teaching and learning.” The audit seeks evidence:

  • Students learn more efficiently because of technology;
  • Students have deeper understanding because they use technology;
  • Students use technology to learn what they could not otherwise.

Support Systems

Is the information technology in our school kept in good repair?

Effective technology support systems ensure:

  • Malfunctioning systems are repaired in a timely manner;
  • Steps are taken to plan for effective systems;
  • Sufficient resources are dedicated to managing information technology.