Teaching with Technology

Teaching with technology has been called technology integration in many sources. This finds teachers incorporating technology into the lessons they would teach without technology. In addition to adopting technology to present the lesson, teaching with technology often finds the teachers adapting the lesson. They will both make planning decisions about the lessons based on the technology tools available and vary the lesson depending on the capacity of the technology. 

Consider, for example, the math teacher who decides to use an online graphing calculator rather than graphing on paper. That teacher may be able to introduce more sophisticated graphs more quickly than those who plot functions on paper, or they may be able to create sliders or similar controls that allow students to see how changing those variables affect the plots. 

Of the four approaches to technology-based teaching, teaching with technology is the one that necessitates the greatest adaptability from educators and flexibility from IT professionals. Whereas the other approaches are used for lessons in which there are clearly defined educational goals and technology needs, teaching with technology requires design to accommodates many variables including uncertain goals, needs, and customization of products.  

One interesting and effective method of teaching with technology is the use of simulations. These are especially effective in mathematics and science education and allow students to participate in otherwise unavailable experiments and demonstrations. Of course, the boundaries between these types of teaching do blur. For example, a teacher who uses video to show students footage of underway ecosystems is probably teaching with technology rather than teaching via technology.