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Why We Scaffold

Scaffolding is the term used to decribe a particular type of support for learners that are built into the lesson. Exactly what kinds of support is provided depends on the nature of the curriculum and task within the curriculum as well as the intent of the lessons. Wood, Bruner, and Ross (1976) observed scaffolds are Read More

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Elevator Pitch on John Dewey

John Dewey, the American philosopher is often credited with differentiating traditional from progressive education. In general, traditional education approaches the curriculum as a known collection of content, and teachers select a path through the content, ensuring students learn by rewarding expected answers and correcting inaccurate answers. Progressive education, on the other hand, is designed to Read More

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Tacit Knoweldge

Philosopher and scientist Michael Polanyi used the term tacit knowledge to describe understanding that is implicit and difficult to state with precision. For this reason, tacit knowledge cannot be stated as an algorithm, so it cannot be downloaded to digital devices. According to Polanyi, tacit knowledge is necessary to frame a problem, to develop a Read More