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On Declarative Knowledge

Information that a learner remembers and can restate comprises their declarative knowledge. Having learned a large body of declarative knowledge adds to individuals’ efficiency with answering questions and applying that information. For this reason, many teachers facilitate students’ learning facts in classes. The default approach to learning facts has been memorization and teachers introduce mnemonics Read More

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Tacit Knoweldge

Philosopher and scientist Michael Polanyi used the term tacit knowledge to describe understanding that is implicit and difficult to state with precision. For this reason, tacit knowledge cannot be stated as an algorithm, so it cannot be downloaded to digital devices. According to Polanyi, tacit knowledge is necessary to frame a problem, to develop a Read More

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Assumptions That Are Likely False

• curriculum comprises well-defined information and skills that represent necessary human knowledge  • the purpose of schools is to ensure students get the information and skills into their brains, thus become educated • educators know how to deliver instruction so the curriculum is transferred into students’ brains • the most efficient instruction occurs from simple Read More

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On Learning

Fink (2003) suggests learning how to learn comprises three types of activities. First, learning how to be a learner by becoming more competent at the activities such as reading, listening, questioning, and writing that are necessary for success in classrooms. Second, learning how to construct knowledge. This work is facilitated in the conceptual and thematic Read More

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Is Speech a Technology?

I recently made a seemingly obvious observation in a tweet: “Every technological innovation become obsolete.” (Yup, that is what I tweeted… I’m the worst copy editor of social media posts.) A follower (whom I also follow and with whom I occasionally interact) replied “Is speech a technology?” Realizing the response was to be too long Read More