
Elevator Pitch on Course Design

A good online course will be complete (the syllabus will include everthing that it should), clear (well-organized and accessible to students), and allow for connections (between students and content and teacher and the world beyond the course). Such courses are designed through three iterative processes: First, the outcomes and products are designed to ensure it is clear what students will learn Read More


On Portfolios

The central feature of every portfolio are the artifacts which are those examples and fragments of work that illustrate the learners’ skills, knowledge, and habits. It is important to note that with some exceptions, artifacts are fragments of work. Rather than including the entire paper, one will include only the abstract or the conclusion, or Read More


Classrooms Moving Online

In the 20th century, life revolved around places; we went to a place called school for education, a place called a store to buy groceries, and a place called a library to borrow books, a place called a theatre to watch movie, and so on. In the 21st century, many of the social and economic Read More