Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

IT Goals in Schools

In all organizations decisions are made for several purposes, and goals are set at three levels to guide decision-making and improve performance. At the broadest level, organizations have strategic goals. These are captured in the mission statements that are adopted by the leaders at the highest levels. In schools, the strategic goals are focused on Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

#edtech Steering Committees

School administrators, the licensed professionals hired by school boards to implement their decisions and policies, have ultimate responsibility for all decisions in the school. Efficacious administrators understand they do not have sufficient expertise to make appropriate and proper decisions. They also understand reasonable implementation will also necessitate they make decisions about the limits to what Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

On Teaching for Transfer

Scholars who study learning transfer generally differentiate near transfer from far transfer.   Near transfer refers to a learner’s ability to use their knowledge and skill in settings that are similar to those in which they originally learned. In some training settings (for example learning how to operate hardware or software), the application setting is almost Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Why We Compute on the Cloud

Vendors such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) provide highly configurable systems that can be used to replicate many of the same functions that used to be configured on physical servers. Those vendors also provide many related services they can be enabled and configured on an “as needed” basis. The benefits of such systems are:   Security Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Collaborative IT Decision-Making in Schools

Coincident with the changing nature of IT in schools, has been an increasing need for a range of IT professionals to ensure the devices are well-chosen, functional, and used for appropriate teaching. It is unusual to find educators who have sufficient technical expertise to manage the enterprise networks that necessary for school operations and effective Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

On Variety in Teaching

Teaching is often assumed to be a simple system: The curriculum is assumed to be well-know and clearly defined (it isn’t–unless one accepts textbook publishers’ profit-driven judgments). Instruction is assumed to be reliable (it isn’t—at least when we really look and ask). Assessment is assumed to be valid (it isn’t—really, we have no tests measure Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Buzz-word Driven Education: A Brief Rant

One of the defining characteristics of “buzz-word-driven” teaching is its advocates’ insistence that its universal applicability. Those advocating the approach will maintain the methods work for all students in all classes in all circumstances. This is supported with dubious evidence at best, and often there is no evidence that the methods will actually produce the Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Project-Based Learning

For many faculty (and students) anything that is not a test or a worksheet that is homework. As digital technologies have become more widely available, projects have included presentations and similar work. In the education literature, however, project-based learning has a very specific meaning.   Project-based learning typically begins with a question that is defined by Read More