For the last several decades, the information technology used in schools has been evolving. Electronic digital computers (in various forms) and networks first augmented paper resources and records, but now they are replacing print. Regardless of the age of the students the school enrolls, the number of students, or the nature of the curriculum, all Read More
Author: Gary Ackerman
On School
A common characteristic of all schools is the separation of learning from situation in which what is learned will be used. School isolates learners and teachers; while isolated, teachers design and deliver lessons through which the students will change. After completing school, everyone (the educators, the students, and those paying for the school) all expect Read More
On Interactive Whiteboards
Another common piece of hardware one encounters in schools is interactive whiteboards. Ostensibly, these look like whiteboards that have replaced chalkboard in most schools. When connected to computers, these whiteboards function as an input device. Teachers or students using them can launch applications, navigate files, and even use digital markers to write on files. (One Read More
Where Are Schools Going?
My career in education has been filled with many changes that are very superficial. My colleagues and I do things differently now than I did when I started, but many of those changes have not necessarily changed the experience of being a student. We are teaching the same way we did in the 1980’s (which Read More
Researchers and Practitioners
Teaching is a field in which one cannot just do whatever they want… actually, they can do what they want, but they shouldn’t. The purpose of teaching is to increase students’ capacity to apply the knowledge, skills, and habits in the curriculum to their lives. Because human brains are the product of nature, there are Read More
On IT in Schools
For the last several decades, schools have emerged as places filled with digital technologies. Regardless of the age of the students the school enrolls, the number of students, or the nature of the curriculum, all schools rely on information technology systems for teaching, managing student data, and for facilitating business operations. Students use Chromebooks, tablets, Read More
Blogs in Virtual Classrooms
Blogs have been a tool for self-publishing to the Internet since the late 1990’s. The model is simple: An individual creates a blog on the platform; they name it, configure it, and begin posting to it. The text, images, video, audio and other content that comprise their blog are displayed in reverse chronological order (newest Read More
On Meaningful Teaching
In 1984, I was “between first choice colleges.” The university where I spent my first year was not a great fit. I realized early in the year that I was going to transfer, but I had to stick out the whole year so that all my credits would transfer. I expected to go to my Read More
On Teacher Burnout
I was a teacher for 30 years… well technically just over 29 years of service according to the retirement board, but close enough. I am still working to support teaching and learning in a community college. At multiple times over my career, I experienced burn-out. I know it well. I empathize with those who are Read More
On Resources
As researchers and seekers of information, we depend on words, images, and other media created by others. Not all resources we encounter in the 21st century can be considered of equal worth. While differentiating “fact” and “opinion” cannot be done with reliability, researchers select information from some sources rather than others. This page identifies resources Read More