Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Thoughts on A People’ History of Computing in the Uniter States

My afternoon walks have found Joy Lisi Rankin’s A People’s History of Computing in the United States playing through my ear buds. It was an interesting and thought-provoking listen. (I’m facing the challenge of blogging about it without being able to return to the pages.) The work is presented to challenge the narrative that computing Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

I was correct in 2002

I’m cleaning out some digital files… making sure I have copies of photographs and videos and deleting gigabytes of digital detritus. Luckily, I found a document written in 2002 on which I wrote: Learning. Such a simple idea. We all have done it for our whole lives. As humans, we have done it since the Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Thoughts on Standardized Education

My career has approximately coincided with the history of personal computers in schools. I was an undergraduate student when “computer” meant a device that sat on a desktop and was turned on only after placing a diskette in the drive that loaded the only program that could be used during the session. The display was Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Thinking About Connectionism

For most of human history, communication was an aural or gestural activity. We spoke and we made gestures, other heard and saw our movements. In both cases, the communication was ephemeral. Unheard words and unseen gestures are lost. There is evidence of humans creating painting and other artifacts which presumably were intended for meaningful communication, Read More