Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

A Teacher Enters #edtech

In the time between when I left high school (in 1983) and I entered the classroom as a teacher (in 1988), computers entered schools in a serious way. Whereas my high school had a small computer room for students to use (I recall four computers in the room which was a converted storage room), my Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Business and Politics are Not Teaching and Learning

Business and politics are human endeavors that are easily measured; the results of business and politics are generally objective and unequivocal. Business measures success by profits, if the profits are sufficient for the owner or shareholders, then the business is judged a success. In politics, success is measured in votes. The individual who receives more Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

Mixing Up the Interactions

My colleagues at Massachusetts Community Colleges that use Moodle as their LMS have begun collaborating to offer workshops to faculty and staff at all of our campuses. We did not record the first virtual workshop, but I prepared this abbreviated version of the presentation I made on July 6, 2020.

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

School “Improvement”

Schools are also organizations that are always seeking to improve. “Quality” is a difficult concept to define, but there is a large industry that is dedicated to helping organizations improve the quality of their work and “continuous improvement” is a goal that articulated in the mission and vision statements of many schools and educational organizations. Read More

Ackerman Curriculum Repository Proposal

What Larry Cuban Wrote About Technology

In 1986, Larry Cuban, a professor of education at Stanford University, reviewed the history of radio, movies, and television in schools and he observed a common pattern. First, advocates argued the technology could be used to make teaching more efficient and more effective. Second, dubious research (frequently supported by the manufacturers of the technologies) was Read More