
Zero Sum Games and Non Zero Sum Games

Zero-sum games occur when a solution to a problem benefits one group while harming another, resulting in winners and losers. Many scholars in the field of wicked problem solving advise planners to aim for non-zero-sum solutions, where all individuals or populations perceive the solutions as advantageous. In non-zero-sum solutions, the benefits may not be equal Read More


Education Cannot Be Engineered

The most flawed educational proposals proceed from the position that education is an engineering problem, and thus we can build educational systems can be built to create systems that produce measurable achievement reliably. For many reasons, those systems that approach all teaching and learning as a recipe that produces learning that can be measured with Read More


On Problems in Education

In education, problems are not so easy to isolate and fix. Students and teachers are vastly more complicated than IT and their lives are affected by far more variables than even the most sophisticated IT systems. When looking carefully at problems in education, we discover they cannot be isolated; and solutions may resolve symptoms but Read More


Another Take on Wicked and Tame Problems

In the 1970’s two professors of planning from California published ana important paper in which they defined “tame” and “wicked” problems. While each can be challenging, the two are differentiated by the how we approach problem and judge if they have been solved. Technology problems are typically tame problems, while teaching is a wicked one.  Read More


Problems for Computers

Computers are excellent at solving problems… that is as long as the problem can be reduced to an algorithm (artificial intelligence researchers are working to change this, but most folks who use computers solve such reduced problems with them). Reduction to an algorithm requires rules to be clearly and completely defined. If the problem reflects Read More


Let’s Loose the Physics Envy… We Might Be Better Users of Data if We Do

My undergraduate studies included many science courses, that’s what happens when one is studying to be a science teacher. As a graduate student in education, my mentors introduced me to qualitative research methods. For 20 years, I have been attending educational research conferences (and occasionally presenting at them). I’m certainly no expert, but I am Read More


Thoughts on “Education for Misinformation”

I’ve been kicking around the concept of “red herrings” for a few years, at least since I started to recognize them. I attribute this skill to the habits I developed while a doctoral student, but we all know how “reliable” such stories are about ourselves. For me, red herrings always appeared in our school structures, Read More